Thursday, September 29, 2011

BF3 BETA open for everyone

In this post I am going to explain for the people who need it how to install origin and download the BETA for BF3. This is a simple process in which I will provide screen shots guiding you through the process needed to enjoy the BETA for free.
Step 1
  • Install Origin that you just downloaded and signup for an EA account if you do not already have one. (This is mandatory link:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • Register EA Account once Origin is installed login to Origin with the EA account you should have already created.Then select store and then select free games you should see Battlefield 3 BETA click get now.(If you do not see Battlefield 3 BETA search for it in Origin.


  • Once the download finishes it will allow you to play game from the "my games section in orgin".                 

  • Select Battlefield 3 BETA and enjoy. It should load the server browser in your default browser windows where you could select quick match to test game quicklyf

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BF3 BETA Review (Horrible)

This review is on EA Battlefield 3 Bad Company BETA and 4 hour's of gameplay.

I decided to write this blog due to the lack of quality in the BETA which is only one month away from final release. 

Graphics are good but not what was expected for a game of this stature and hype.I mean EA talked about this game as the second coming to Christ. Seriously lacking compared to other games I won't mention at this time. Also if EA would have taken more time to focus on quality over release date maybe we would be seeing the BETA out 3 to 5 months before final release. The way it stands now it appears the final game will still have lots of bugs due to the limited time of BETA. I would like to hear other people's views on this limited time of BETA and EA'S strategy behind it.

Game play is sub par I remember one of the selling points for me was the ability to communicate more fluently with squad memebers however that has yet to be seen. Also the
Map glitches allowing players to go underneath map shooting enemies and basically hacking unintentionally.There is nothing more frustrating then attempting to learn the game and you get shot from someone 20 feet below you.(I mean seriously)

Team markers disappear and often do not show up thus providing you with TEAM KILLS which is exactly the thing that will get you banned off the server your attempting to play on. This has got to be the number 1 pet peeve of mine shooting someone who's on the same team fighting the same fight. 

Map lighting in certain areas is too bright thus blinding you depending on your angle. Hey EA does this game come with sun glasses what gives? This game is brighter then the sun for crying out loud. The flashlight will remove your retinas with one fail swoop. I mean shit you get a squad to shine flashlights at an enemy he would think he already died and was in heaven no need for bullets.

Hit boxes are completely random with no rhyme or reason. I shot at the ground and killed my teammate?
I shot a person 200 feet away by aiming at the guy next to him. Just doesn't make sense why this happens. Did this happen in the Alpha release? The answer is no according to the research I did on Alpha release. Why would this occur in the BETA. Doesn't BETA come after ALPHA? EA you pulling our leg?  

Network performance is horrible disconnects are more prevalent then ever and really frustrates you when you earn an upgrade only to realize you lost it because you didn't finish the round due to network disconnects. I never had these type of issues with BF2 Bad Company not even during the first month of release. I would think the network piece of game would be 100% due to the emphases on multilayer and not campaign mode. Again folks 1 month away from FINAL release. 

Final takeaway the game is great if you can look past the bugs "I can't not this close to final release it makes me wonder if I bought into hype or a quality made game" It also takes EA off the high pedestal I had placed them on based on there BF2 and Bad company series of games. All in all if your into shooters this game is action packed and has plenty of vehicles and weapons to keep you busy for quite some time just remember it has its flaws.

I will write another review once final release is here.

Update from EA on issues in BETA 09/30/2011.... "We have distributed a server side update with the following changes:

- Terrain destruction disabled, because it causes problems with people crawling around under the map. We have a proper fix for this in the retail game, but chose to simply disable it for the OB
- Preround is fully activated: 8 players required to transition from preround to in-game; when 8 players are reached, the start-timer is set to 10 seconds
- Fixes for the most common game server crashes reported over the past 48 hours
- Fixes for end-of-round progress reporting to Battlelog (so players will see their progress more detailed on Battlelog)

The RSPs have been instructed to deploy before Fri Sep 30th, 0800 UTC (when it impacts players the least).

Downtime should be minimal."
This information brought to you by Morthawt.
